Forums - MvC2: Blackheart help please. Show all 18 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvC2: Blackheart help please. ( Posted by Fireseal on 12:17:2001 09:15 PM: MvC2: Blackheart help please. Im pretty new to MvC2 and want to pick up Blackheart. I dont know anything about using him Please give me some advice on the tactics I should employ ( I have read that you throw lots of demons and what not but not how to do it hehe). Any advice would be great. Im planning on my team to be BH/Cable/Cyc. Posted by Razor on 12:18:2001 12:53 AM: Super Jump. Roundhouse Kick. Posted by BigDre on 12:18:2001 01:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Razor Super Jump. Roundhouse Kick. Air-dash cancel the demons and throw them again. Rinse and Reuse Abuse his AAA assist Posted by Fireseal on 12:18:2001 01:17 AM: Thanks You SJ then RH, Airdash... how do you cancel the airdash into RH? Also his big anti air pillar that combos into his super.. do you use the fierce or the jab version? Posted by Servebot on 12:18:2001 01:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Fireseal Also his big anti air pillar that combos into his super.. do you use the fierce or the jab version? use the fierce cause the jab hits in front on BH and the Hp. tracks on the to opp. so it always hits. Posted by Fireseal on 12:18:2001 06:34 PM: Thanks Servebot Could someone please give me the exact commands for the throwing monkeys airdash cancel stuff? Just want to make sure I get it down correctly. Thank you in Advance. Posted by Dasrik on 12:18:2001 06:58 PM: Don't listen to these yahoos. Jumpback fierce is the true way to go. Posted by Razor on 12:18:2001 08:32 PM: oh yeah, air dash!! Forgot LoL Don't listen to that mofo about us being Yahoos, FK is better cause it can potentially get into his Infinite and it also stuns the opponent while the FP just hits slaps em up a bit and you get AHVBed. His infite is just /\, FK, Airdash, FK, repeat. You can AD forwards or backwards depending on where you are. Posted by Orion_of_Chaos on 12:18:2001 08:47 PM: FP demons work better on Rushdown characters, because they will most likely wave dash under your RH demons, and hit you. FP demons come back to you after thrown, so magnus dashes in, superjumps, and gets hit by the demons, whereas if you were just throwing RH, he would get a free combo. RH works better on non-rushdown characters, though. And no matter what, watch out for Cammy. All she has to do is Superjump and KBA, and ther goes BH. The main combo for Blackheart is when you're landing lk lk land call AAA(like commando, cyke, or Juggs dash type) Inferno xx Heart of Darkness. Incredible damage, especially with juggs assist, but most AAAs will work. Posted by Dasrik on 12:18:2001 11:24 PM: quote: Originally posted by Razor Don't listen to that mofo about us being Yahoos, FK is better cause it can potentially get into his Infinite and it also stuns the opponent while the FP just hits slaps em up a bit and you get AHVBed. And superjump FK *doesn't* get you AHVBed? What kind of morons are you playing that they actually HAND you the infinite? Most characters that you'll be facing against can either wavedash under roundhouse demons or superjump straight up and smack you with a beam (Captain Commando can wavedash, corridor, Jennety. Vapes demons, and smacks BH when he's coming down if the corridor hasn't ass raped him). Superjump roundhouse is only MODERATELY useful, against people who like to stay in the same spot or move backward (ie. Cable (ON THE GROUND ONLY), Spiral, other BHs). In most cases, sj.rh against an experienced opponent is an easy way to get owned. In any case, against non-rushdown players, you want to focus on getting in range for jump FORWARD Fierce. Honestly, roundhouse demons are extremely overrated. quote: Originally posted by Orion_of_Chaos The main combo for Blackheart is when you're landing lk lk land call AAA(like commando, cyke, or Juggs dash type) Inferno xx Heart of Darkness. Incredible damage, especially with juggs assist, but most AAAs will work. Decent combo. A few notes. * It won't work with dash Juggy assist, unless you land a jump-in first and call Juggy when you land. * It won't work on Sentinel outside of the corner. vs. Sentinel, replace fierce inferno with fierce dark thunder. It will work. * Outside of the corner, never do this combo on Cable, or people with a fast dash. Cable is obvious; as for the fast dashers, they can regain the advantage after flying screen. On these people, you're better off either doing Inferno xx Armageddon (with an assist that leaves them close), or just Inferno by itself. Another note: jab inferno is underrated. Jumpback fierce on Magneto/Storm/anyone with 8-way airdash. If they superjump, jab inferno. Watch them airdash right into it. Posted by StriderX on 12:19:2001 12:33 AM: don't do j.fp against mags, as he can just c.rk. Then you can kiss BH goodbye. Posted by Dasrik on 12:19:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by StriderX don't do j.fp against mags, as he can just c.rk. Then you can kiss BH goodbye. ... C.RH will beat jump fierce...but I've tested this. C.RH doesn't juggle unless the opponent is already juggled. So yeah, you can't really do jumpback fierce on Mags BY ITSELF. Use an anti-air assist (not Commando or Doom... well, maybe Doom) and if you get hit by a sweep, roll roll roll! Posted by Fireseal on 12:20:2001 05:01 PM: I apologize for the stupidity of this post in advance. a couple things. 1. After I SJ and throw RH demons I cant seem to dash afterwards... 2. Rh demons was getting me owned against rushdown hehe. Tried FP worked well (thanks Dasrik) but still couldnt fp dash fp... prolly doing something wrong there. 3. Am I supposed to stay mainly in the air with BH? I play against almost 100% rushdown where I am (Not Mags or Storm. Ken, Guile etc. rushdown) Thanks in advance Posted by Dasrik on 12:20:2001 07:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by Fireseal 1. After I SJ and throw RH demons I cant seem to dash afterwards... Dash with two punch buttons, preferably holding back (to backdash). You can always interrupt a regular move with a dash if you use two punches. quote: 2. Rh demons was getting me owned against rushdown hehe. Tried FP worked well (thanks Dasrik) but still couldnt fp dash fp... prolly doing something wrong there. No, you're not. Don't do that, because (1) it won't work (you've already done a regular move in a regular jump fierce), and (2) you won't be able to block. quote: 3. Am I supposed to stay mainly in the air with BH? I play against almost 100% rushdown where I am (Not Mags or Storm. Ken, Guile etc. rushdown) If they're not throwing any projectiles, BH jumpback fierce will own Ken and Guile rushdown without any thought involved. Just whore it until they (a) learn and do something else, or (b) call you cheap and quit. You're better off if they quit; you won't be learning anything playing people who do ineffective tactics over and over. Posted by State of Nature on 12:20:2001 10:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik If they're not throwing any projectiles, BH jumpback fierce will own Ken and Guile rushdown without any thought involved. Just whore it until they (a) learn and do something else, or (b) call you cheap and quit. Can't Ken just dragon punch through? Posted by REALPLAYER on 12:20:2001 11:31 PM: Fireseal, listen to Dasrik, he knows what he's talking about. The other yahoo's don't ! Anyways, too many BH players play him so methodically (sj.rh XX airdash B XX sj.rh), and that will get you killed. Blackheart's strength lies in his INCREDIBLY safe strategy. Being that he's in the air almost all the time, he is a natural pain in the ass. Roundhouse demons are meant to pin down opponents, while fierce demons are meant to protect BH from harm. Also, many BH players do not utilize j.short!! When all else fails, j.short will succeed---it's just a plain pisser. If your opponent is too close to throw out demons, j.short will ward them off and give you room. But Dasrik is right, j.fierce is much more useful than j.rh!! And please learn to utilize j.short!!! Posted by Fireseal on 12:20:2001 11:50 PM: Doh the both punches dash. Didnt think of that *slaps forehead*. Excellent thank you Dasrik. Will test this stuff out tonight at the arcade.... I heard his infinite is relatively easy compared to others.... but is it useful? (as in being safe to try to set up) And how do you do it if it is heheh. This game is so alien to me, Im a huge Tekken player. Also, when I am using the jumping/dashing RH and FP monkeys, should I be using an assist that chips at them? Currently I have my assists as BH AAA Cable AAA and Cyke AAA. Should I perhaps switch cable to projectile or something? I like the Cyke AAA for the AHVB setup. Dasrik your my new hero Why am I so at this game Posted by Dasrik on 12:21:2001 12:44 AM: Ken can dragon punch through the demons, sure, but the range he has to be in to punch through the demons AND hit Blackheart is so ludicriously small that you almost don't have to worry about it. Oh yea, j.short is really useful, as are his shorts in general. Remember, BH's tail CAN'T BE HIT by anything... so you will generally beat just about all anti-air attempts short of weapons and/or invincible rising anti-airs. Also don't forget about his j.jab for air-to-air battles, that chop carries a mighty whop of priority and hits in the places j.short doesn't. Fireseal: On paper, BH's infinite is really easy (sj.rh demons that hit, dashback, sj.rh demons that whiff, land, and repeat) but rarely are you ever going to able to follow up a random juggled RH demon connect. The easiest way to do the infinite is off of a Cyke assist. c.short x2 + Cyke assist, superjump forward, then start it after Cyclops is done. The best thing about setting it up in this way is that you can uncombo the infinite by letting them fall next to you while repeatedly tapping the Cyclops assist button. Once they land, Cyclops assist will come out, and the combo meter will reset, but it will be unblockable. Good for building meter, but will take practice to get down pat. Your second question - as much as I dislike BH/Cable teams, they do work as long as you can figure out a way to get Cable in. In this case, BH's job is basically to kill time, build meter and stay alive. Chip with Inferno XX HOD when the opportunity presents itself (best time to do it is when they're coming down from a superjump). If you know how to counter AHVB (alpha counter Cable in, then cancel Psimitar into AHVB), then Cable AAA is the best setup for this team, because a lot of things people will do to try to hit BH are vulnerable to this sneaky trick. There, I wrote a mess of stuff on BH. I'm done for now All times are GMT. The time now is 11:50 PM. Show all 18 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.